MUSHcode is the internal programming language of MUSHes, multi-user text
environments that focus mostly on social interaction and player building
and coding--essentially, text-based predecessors of Second Life and
the like. MUSHcode has all the normal features of an object-oriented
language, includimg object classes, inherited attributes, and so on, but with the addition of a few odd twists:
everything (including the programmers) is arranged in a
virtual grid, code is entirely contained within the attributes of
objects, and everything is happening in real time. Heavy use of special characters and lack of formatting also make MUSHcode notoriously hard to read, and it has on occasion (I'm not making this up) been mistaken for line noise (that is, the random characters that, in the days when dinosaurs roamed the internet, appeared in a text stream as a result of a bad modem connection, probably on the phone line between your computer and the UNIX server at whatever university you were attending at the time).
The purpose of
MUSHcode is to allow administrators ("wizards") and players to build the structure
that players experience, by creating a grid of "rooms" linked together
by "exits", and filled with other objects, including the players'
avatars. These grids tend to be 2D or 3D representations of realistic
spaces, but there's no reason they have to be. They give MUSHcode the
first of its peculair features: all of the objects have spatial
relationships to one another, and any object interacts most easily with
objects that are nearby (in the same room).
The second pecular
feature of MUSHcode is that players write code, not by the traditional
method of listing commands in a text file, but by
creating attributes of the various objects in the shared environment,
including the rooms, exits, and players. A program is run by triggering
an attribute, and that attribute can then trigger other attributes on
its own or other objects, or (by using function calls) read data or
user-defined functions from other attributes. Objects and attributes created by
different players can interact, though this involves setting permissions
for who can use or look at what, a necessity that opens up an endlessly entertaining variety of security problems. MUSHcode "programs" are backed up or
ported to other MUSHes by "decompiling" the objects in question--that
is, creating a list of the commands necessry to reconstruct those
objects (and yes, you can edit these scripts, much as you would a
traditional program, but that's not the usual means of doing things,
since editing and debugging require altering one attribute at a time,
rather than recreating the entire object), though full reconstruction of virtual spaces will also require linking exits manually.
The final peculiar
feature of MUSHcode--and to me, the most interesting, because it poses
some of the same challenges as working with dynamic databases--is that
everything goes on in real time, with objects' interacting with players
and other players' objects. This creates some unique challenges: for
example, if a MUSHcode program creates or modifies a variable (that is, an attribute that's being used as a variable), and then the
same program needs to make use of that variable, the programmer
actually needs to code in a delay (the exact length of which requires some guesswork, and trial and error, and depends on server load), or the command in question will execute before the MUSH database has been updated. This is, in
fact, so annoying, that most MUSHcoders rely as much as possible on
function calls, because they execute completely before the program moves
on to the next function or command. Indeed, later versions of MUSHcode even
include the SETQ() function, which returns no output at all, but instead
sets a value in a temporary register, which can then be retrieved by
another function--thus, all the action happens in memory, with register
values never being permanently recorded in the database.
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